Shopping Blitz


At Shopping Blitz we like variety. We offer many quality brands because we know that one shoe does not fit all. What do our brands say about us? They say we have an eye for style but can also appreciate comfort that we play as hard as we work, that we're tough with the ability to be soft and that we respect tradition but prefer it with a twist. Basically they say we're a lot like you, ever-changing and adapting. Because sometimes you need a pair of Carhartts to get the job done, some Durangos for a night line-dancing with friends, a pair of Mephisto loafers for the office or some Azura wedges for that all-important first date.


We also subscribe to the idea that more does not necessarily mean better. Our list is the result of careful research, planning and implementation. We do nothing by halves around here, when we reach our all-time best… we raise the bar. So take a look around and see if anything catches your fancy, we have confidence that you might. Just try not to get overwhelmed, you can always come back and buy more!

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