

Nedstat is European leader in website analytics.


The products and services enable companies to improve the effectiveness and profitability of their online communication and business.


Nedstat makes website analytics straightforward and accessible for users of all levels and disciplines. Products are easy to use, reports are clear and fast to access, customization is easy and services and support are personal and high quality.


Nedstat employs 180 people in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom.


The client list includes many renowned and internationally operating organizations like Ernst & Young, KarstadtQuelle, Renault, Panasonic and Wolters Kluwer. Also, numerous government and not-for-profit organizations have benefited from Nedstat's expertise in delivering reports on users’ behaviour online.


Key accreditations by Europe’s leading independent web-standards organizations, such as ABC electronic and OJD, ensure that customers’ metrics are in full compliance with leading industry standards.

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