

Raatsız is animation oriented production company that specializes in producing digital content for T.V. , cinema, the advertising, and entertainment.


The production company that is "raatsız" is a by product of years of artistic
effort of some talented and "raatsız" bunch.


Having its origins rooted back to the academy years of it's people, us; we developed raatsız to its
final professional stage by combining all the experience
we aquired through various projects on various creative masters.


As a company we also provide pre-production services like concept design,
character design, storyboard and animatic in addition to
our regular raatsız production services such as 3D/2D animation, motion graphics and visual effects.


The quality which stands us for Raatsız is unique animation and character visions.


Although as a new open production company, our conspicuous sound is already started to appear...


If you are willing to force your imagination to the extremes, get flawless, on time delivery while enjoying


work with us, Raatsız welcomes you to our illusion.


...written by Raatsız Team 2009

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